Monday 9 February 2015

Finn Week 4: Wild Animals

This week we tasked ourselves with designing a creature or creatures from the story. The description in the story is simply wild animals so that gave us lots of room to play with. Just like previous designs I began by sketching. As mentioned previously, with the words wild animals to work from, we could do anything. I played around with different body types and shapes and put together some head studies.

After sketching  I’d take two or 3 creatures from my research and reference gathering, mash them together and see what I could come up with. Here are some examples.

For what I had in mind for my final, I wanted to push the tree creature idea more, but taking some elements from my previous sketches and paintings and creating something bigger. I liked the sketch of the butterfly creature from my above sketches and thought of combing that with the tree creature to create something more menacing that the huntsmen would have encountered early in the story. Possibly something similar to what a player might encounter in a boss battle in a game. I liked the idea of possibly having some of the Huntsmen ensnared in the creatures vines. Maybe he uses their bodies for some kind of energy? I also wanted to get the menacing feel of the forest from the story into the appearance of the creature as well.

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